Being a woman is amazing!
Making awkward conversations easier - because they will never be easy.
Aunt flo not only delivers period products to young girls but also educates young women on their bodies and the beautiful cycle they will go through each month for the next 30 - 50 years.
Aunt flo educates them on what products to use how to use them and what the impact of each product is on them and the environment.
Aunt flo also helps ensure that all UK schools and colleges are stocked up with FREE sanitary products for all young women.
Because having a period is what 50% of the population does and as a result, all young women should have access to these products in a safe space - without having to ask or feel embarrassed.
If a young woman knows where to get free condoms from without the fear of shame or embarrassment then she should also know where to get free sanitary products.
"We have been told where to get free condoms from but I don't know where to get free pads" - Susan Age 11
Because having your period is not a choice!